Most of July was spent framing the house. Lumber was delivered, and more lumber was delivered, and even more lumber was delivered.  We had lumber everywhere! Thankfully, the lumber company returned after framing was complete to pick up the extra wood that wasn’t used!

Both of these pictures are looking through the living room to the backyard. The left picture is looking at the fireplace and towards the master bedroom area. The right picture is looking straight through the living room into the backyard – fireplace on left of the room, kitchen on right.
This is upstairs attic storage…it is also space to expand in the future if wanted. The room at the end of this attic space is the girls’ playroom.
The back of the house – garage is to the left, master bedroom to the right. Looking south, straight through the patio, through the living room and entry to the front door.
Standing on the west side of the yard, looking east. The trees on the other side of the barn border our property and our sweet neighbors, Mr. J & Mrs. M, are on the other side.
Views of the front of the house, looking at both sides.
Ainsley is walking along the dirt/gravel driveway towards the barn.
Standing in about the middle of the front yard, you can see the roof decking has been installed! Near the left of the picture, you can see the old barn in the back.
So. Much. Lumber.
This is the view of the front yard from the girls’ upstairs bonus room – looking south towards the street.

Framing is mostly completed! A few things still need to be taken care of, most notably, they have framed every doorway in the house except Ainsley’s bedroom. If she is giving anyone a tour of the house, she makes sure to tell them that she doesn’t have a door in her bedroom! She also loves to point out that her closet looks smaller than her sister’s…(I can neither confirm nor deny if this is accurate.)

It isn’t all fun and games, sometimes there’s work to be done. Like here, where Shane is driving the tractor around, or below, where I’ve been weed eating. So. Many. Weeds.

I feel like one of these two jobs – 1) tractor driving, & 2) weed eating is a lot more work than the other…(he-he-he!)