We selected our builder back in mid-February. We decided on Justin Yance; all of the people we were looking at would have done a great job, but before we built our first house in 2011, I looked at a house that Justin had built and really liked it. He was agreeable to letting us bring in our own subcontractors if we had someone we really wanted to use and just seemed like a great fit for us.

After we made the builder selection, we ended up making a few changes on the house plans and Bob needed time to change the drawings. After we approved the drawings, he needed to draw in the electrical, and again, we waited on that.  Next we had to wait on someone (I think engineers) to draw some post-tension plans.  After all of that, Justin was finally able to submit permits to the City of Tulsa on April 1st.

As Dr. Suess would say, we have been in “The Waiting Place,” for months.

The Waiting Place excerpt from Oh, the Places You’ll Go, by Dr. Suess
Or waiting for the permit stamp…but really, what’s the rush? HA!

Our permits were submitted to the City of Tulsa on April 1st. The permits were “In Review” for almost 2 months. Hubby is so organized that he had spoken to the permit department supervisor way back in September. He made sure there wouldn’t be any weird hoops we needed to jump through before we purchased the land. Based on the conversation with the supervisor, we had the land surveyed, elevation stakes were placed where needed, and we had something like 20+ truckloads of shale brought in to elevate the ground for the pole barn pad (our barn guy even raised it higher than the supervisor said we would have to). Even with all that lead work on Shane’s part, it still had to get a stamp of approval from three people in the city’s permitting department.

Two of the three permit guys approved it right away, but it was held up by the sewer/drainage/water guy. The house permit ended up being approved on May 27th, and the barn permit about a week earlier. That was a total of fifty-seven days for the city to approve our permits…and they didn’t even require any changes. With the length of time it took to get the barn permit, we missed our “window” with Mr. Tom to build it and he had to bump some other people in front of us…then it rained…Oh, that darn “Waiting Place”!!!

BUT TODAY, June 1st, there were actually people on our land, building something for us! Construction on the barn has started!!!

Above is some perspective regarding where the barn will be located.

They dug the holes for the vertical poles today and cut wood to the correct lengths while they waited for the city to come inspect the holes.

Photographs were both shot standing between the pond and the pole barn, looking south.

What’s the point of having these fun holes if your dad won’t lift you down in them for a quick picture?

Cute, brave little girls!

About half of the large vertical poles are set (in concrete), tomorrow they will set the rest of them!