When we built our first house (the 660 house), it took six months.  We began construction in December and it was completed in June.  The house was ready just in time for the 2011 Parade of Homes, but afterwards there were a few things to touch up, so we moved in over the Fourth of July weekend.  Considering that timeline, and that we bought our land in October, I was convinced we would get to move into this house by the end of summer.  

Seemed logical to me.

First things first, we wanted to build the barn as soon as possible.

Approximate rendering…

Every year, we throw a big Christmas party and I wanted to celebrate our new adventure by having the party inside our barn. Shane wanted to empty out our storage shed and move the boxes that are sitting around our rental house into the barn. However, since our property is technically still in the City of Tulsa, we have to follow their rules and they had other plans.  As you can imagine, my hubby is thrilled that we still have to deal with city rules (insert eye roll)…Apparently, there is a rule that states you can’t construct a barn which is larger than 40% of the size of your home.  Since the fire damaged home was still standing, that restricted the size of the barn we planned to build. Even if we quickly demolished the house, they wouldn’t approve our permit to build a barn until they knew the size of house we would build. That meant we couldn’t submit a permit to build our barn until we could submit our permit to build our house and even though we were working on house plans, we weren’t close to being finished. 

All of that meant that Christmas Party 2019 was smaller and held at one of our favorite restaurants, our storage shed is still full, and the walls of our rental house are shrinking by the day. At least the rental house shrinks a bit every time a box is delivered with a chandelier or faucet or towel rack in it and we have resorted to putting boxes in every nook and cranny we can find.

Seriously. See?

Just a few boxes of house supplies on top of the bookshelf. (All you can do is laugh about it!)