Life Cannot Wait

I do believe it's time for another adventure
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Our Home

The first house we built and the house we demolished so we could build this house. We’ll have a few more trees around our house this time.

We are in the middle of building our second home. We loved building our first one and were excited to do it again! I’ve always heard that building a home is the most stressful thing ever, but we enjoyed the process of planning and picking out just what we wanted. After we built our first house, I remember thinking that since we survived that, we could survive anything. 😉

We loved almost everything about our first house, in fact, we were surprised that there were so few things that we would have changed and we love, love, loved the neighborhood and we totally hit the jackpot with our amazing neighbors and I am so thankful to count them all as friends! But that house was on a 9,922 square foot lot – about .25 acres…this time around, we are building on almost four acres.