This little family of ours is embarking on a new adventure.  It looks like this adventure will take the better part of the year, and we are already enjoying it.  Before we had children, Shane and I designed and built our first home.  We have both always felt that we did an excellent job building the 660 house.  For it to be the first home either of us built, we made many correct decisions and it was a home we loved for almost eight years.

We loved the neighborhood and I’m so thankful for the many great friendships we made there.  I loved how easy it was for both of us to drive to work and I especially loved the convenience that came with having Target and Michael’s Craft Store so close! I know that Shane doesn’t love that it’s so easy for me to pop into Target multiple times a week, as much as I do!

Our old neighborhood

Even though we loved so many things about the house and neighborhood, the one thing we couldn’t change was the size of that yard.  Shane has always wanted a bigger lot and we wanted a pool as the girls grow older and just didn’t think the lot we were on was where we should build a pool.

The first house we built, with the small yard